Wednesday, December 30, 2009

3 Things...

As I was cleaning up the kitchen after dinner last night, I had a thought pop into my head.

What are 3 things I do regularly?
What are 3 things I would like to do regularly?

Try as I may, I tried to set those 2 questions aside and continue on with my chores. Again, those same two questions popped into my head. I decided I needed to write them down. For some reason I must need to answer these questions.

The first on, what are 3 things I do regularly?
1. Laundry (even when the dryer was broken, I still managed to do laundry)
2. Dishes (loading and unloading the dishwasher count)
3. Shuttle the kiddos, whether it's to school, friends, doctors or just with me. I'm a shuttle.

The second one, what are 3 things I would like to do regularly?
1. Sew (I have let my hobby fall to the wayside and I need to find time to incorporate it into my life. It is a stress reliever for me)
2. Read the Bible (this will pick up when bible study resumes in January and I am looking forward to that)
3. Spend time with Friends - this will be a little tricky, I have friends that I spend time with here where I currently live. However, it's the friends that live further away that I would like to spend more time with. My cousin lives 2-1/2 hours away, do you think we see each other? NO. Two more friends live 3 hours away along with a friend I've recently reconnected with, nope don't see them. And lastly, my closest friend, lives 9 hours away. We only see each other every few years and that's hard!

A goal for me in the upcoming year is to set time aside at least once a week to chat on the phone with at least one of those friends. I'll try to do better and remember birthdays, getting gifts to them on time, versus, months afterwards. And to drop a card in the mail, JUST BECAUSE.

The other items on my would like to do list, well, those I just have to make time for. And I will. I have some ideas in my head for quilting/sewing/crafting. I need to do a brain dump and get those on paper. And the bible reading will start again in January!


Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Hmmm, photos

Nope none yet! But I hope to be adding photos in the near future. My first day did not go as planned and day 2 is not looking very well either.

Why? Sick kiddos. Is that an excuse? No but I am using it as one.

Laundry is piling up! Why? My dryer has not been working since before Thanksgiving. What and you haven't had it fixed? Nope, too many other pressing things needed to be paid for. How have you been doing laundry? Washing a load a day and hanging in the laundry room or by the patio doors and family room windows on SUNNY days. The sunny days have been few and far between of late, BUT, it's sunny today and laundry is hanging. A dryer is in the works.

Why haven't I bought a new one? Can't afford one, can't afford the payment on one. We have debt and that needs to be paid for. I'm working on a used one, that doesn't cost much more than I can afford. My goal is to be out of debt by October 2011. That's a little less than 2 years. Can I do it? IF I stick my mind to it and stick with the plan, this GOAL will become a REALITY!

I'm off to find the motivation I need to get some projects done today!

Laundry, Vacuuming, Sweeping and Mopping here I come!


Monday, December 28, 2009

Happy New Year

A little early ya think! Yes, for most people New Years is still a few days away. BUT for me, it starts today. For just over a week, todays date December 28, 2009 has been stuck in my head. I'm really not sure why, but when I think about the new year and the possiblity of new beginnings this is the date that has stuck.

Why a blog and why the change? The last few years have been a struggle. I need an outlet. A place to be ME and to find MYSELF again.

What to expect? At this point I'm not sure. I LOVE to sew, quilt, bake and read. I don't like to clean, do laundry and listen to my wonderful kids scream. Although, these are things that I do on a daily basis and I don't do a lot of the things that I enjoy. That needs to change and that's why I think I am going to take it day by day.

So here's to a NEW year, NEW beginnings and a NEW me!
